Meaning of | Self-Conscious

The meaning of self-conscious: “Conscious of one’s own acts or states as belonging to or originating in oneself : aware of oneself as an individual.”  Yet this definition isn’t as simple as it is perceived. This comprehension of the meaning of self-conscious isn’t quite innerstood like most should understand. Be intrigued by a closer look at self-conscious and what it truly means in your pursuit to happiness.

Let’s not forget the infamous quote:

“We all self-conscious, I’m just the first to admit it.”— Kanye West

Grasping the meaning of self-conscious:

Confession to yourself is the main factor. Take responsibility for who you are in entirety, as an individual; from how your lifestyle affects the whole, to how ones self is viewed from a first person point of view. Know that the meaning of self-conscious represents your place within this organism we call earth.

The meaning of self-conscious in your lifestyle:

How does your lifestyle in contrast to self-conscious affect the whole in entirety? Examine — how your conscious and/or unconscious support in the now effects the future of others, what you are consuming; i.e. mentally and physically, and how you can simply change at any given moment for a better you. Understanding the meaning of self-conscious will heighten your awareness.

Defining the meaning of self-conscious:

* Always know your intent when supporting things that can ultimately hinder or benefit the future of others specifically based from the role you played in the now. This is a meaning of self-conscious.

* Pay attention to your daily consumption that allows you to, in time, become the best you. Not only is what you feed your brain important to the outcome of your life, but you are what you eat is an even greater aspect. Consuming processed foods can affect you just as much is allowing your brain to process information or images that can negatively affect your overall mental clarity. This is a meaning of self-conscious.

* At any given moment during this road we call life one can begin to grow; or continue to grow as opposed to have been stagnant during an opportunity of change. Life has always been a constant movement, whether you ride the wave or not. As long as it is a change you are truly serious about, then there is no holds bars. Stay open. Never close off too much to the point you can not inadvertently hear who you are from others, which can possibly be changed about yourself for the better. That way, it removes any negative perspectives one may have about you… and be willing to reflect such change. This also, is a meaning of self-conscious.

Knowing that no one is to be the overall blame for your acts is the meaning of self-conscious. Is there any other way to awaken the inner you than to be bold and straight to the point? Know who you are and if you have the slightest opportunity to change the dynamic you play on the overall scheme of things, that you ‘are’ self-conscious. The meaning of self-conscious has always been You.

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