How to Wash Clothes | White
It’s funny how you think you know something and at a certain point you realize you may not have known much at all. You may have been told or taught something until you actually experienced it yourself and realized that what you was told and taught was incorrect. Well if that hasn’t happened to you I will admit it has happened to me. On quite a few occasions. Actually most recently it happened to me. I, on a casual day, went to the laundromat to wash clothes before the pile was to become too extreme. With not using a paid washer in such time I had to ask for assistance on the basics. And guess what? Don’t judge me! LoL, everyone isn’t savvy at everything. Anywho, after being assisted I got the hang of things and began to wash my clothes with ease. I made conversation with a wonderful woman that kept me a good company. Exchanging small talk here and there I loaded the washers with my all natural powdered detergent added bleach to my white load. I know, bleach and natural don’t mix. But I rarely wore white and I hardly had many whites. I stepped outside to get some fresh air and catch some Sun.
Sitting on the side of the curb I watched as cars drove pass and birds flew by. I felt great. Turning around, seeing the wonderful woman with great conversation, approaching her car with detergents in hand I recognized something unfamiliar to my wash world…white vinegar. She had a gallon. I was curious! I quickly approached asking, “Why do you have vinegar?” Placing the items in her car she responded, “For my clothes.” Shocked at the response, but not the reasoning I said, “On all of them?” “Yes,” she responded, “but mainly on my whites and color clothes. I don’t really like to add it to my darks its hard to tell if it’s actually efficient.” “Really,” I responded in excitement. “Yes, it keeps my whites white and my colors bright.” I was so happy. Having started on my natural journey I knew things but I surely didn’t know all. This was a breakthrough for me. I could care less for bleach, as I didn’t use it on basically anything but the few white items that I did have. But now I could just throw the bleach right into the trash! My new found love white vinegar had surfaced into my life. “The reason many traditionally wash in hot water with bleach is from generational teachings. Most people don’t take the time to even read the tags,” she stated. I was stunned! That statement was so bold and true that I had to tell this story. She even went on to tell about working at a laundromat at a point in time. That one day someone had left clothes in the washing machines unwashed. She took it upon herself to wash the clothes for the unknown individual. “I read every tag on all of the clothes when I separated them to wash because I didn’t want to damage that persons clothes. It was about 4 different loads. I think at the end of it all I accidentally damaged one item. But yep none of the tags read to wash in hot water and all of the whites said either warm or cold.” Listening to her story was comforting and reassuring. “Hum, I am a so called all natural being and I didn’t even know that. I guess the only reason that I am still using bleach beyond my knowledge is from what my momma’ taught me.” “Yep,” she said agreeing. This encounter was a confirmation to self to let go of what I was taught and thought I knew… to what was.
Reading up on Distilled White Vinegar and the many ways to use it as a Eco-friendly way of cleaning your White clothes:
- Add just a 1 cup of vinegar to your laundry to whiten whites, brighten brights, also to reduce odor and soften clothes without harsh chemicals.
- Add only a 1/2 half cup to dark clothes to prevent fade.
- Vinegar, being an acid, further neutralizes body oils and grime and rinses it away.
- Add vinegar to the last rinse cycle of a load to act as a natural fabric softener. A few drops of essential oil will give fragrance.
- Vinegar is safe and hypoallergenic.
- Keeping undiluted vinegar in a bottle to spray on clothes will help to cut through residual deodorant left on clothing and prevent underarm yellowing.
Speaking more I discovered her name was Yvette and that she was from California. Such a beautiful spirit to come across not only from what she said, but how she said it. Having logic and reason behind her words, informing me of this meant more to me than anything. Walking back inside I did notice that her whites were as white as they would be in the store and that her colors were bright as day. Actually all of her clothes seemed to be in wonderful condition. Much better than mine. Yvette asserted, “You will not find one white item that says wash in hot water. It will either say warm or cold. Some will say non-bleach or use non-chlorine bleach. But non chlorine bleach is hard to find.” I was so at peace with her kindred spirit. It was as though she had awakened a subconscious error and fixed it. This was the day I would finally learn how to wash. When you can function in this world and not harm anyone or anything that is when you are moving right. “That’s crazy,” I responded. “I seriously never looked at the tags on white clothes, but let alone, I don’t really pay attention to what any tags say.” “You know what? I never really paid attention to it either except this one time I washed some white sheets with bleach and it turned them yellow. A lady about 97 years old told me about this great use of white vinegar and I feel compelled to pass it on when I can. I was taught the right thing now I can tell you.”
This has surely proven to be a fact. I mean even if you were not sure about trying this Eco-friendly method out, what could it possibly do to your clothes? Versus if you were to use bleach if not done correctly it will permanently damage your clothes. This is a risk free way of conscious cleaning. Learning is a daily thing. I will never KNOW too much to turn away new INformation that makes sense. Your whites will get bright and Yvette is certain of it. I second that motion. Her clothes were vibrant! I refuse to use anything other than white vinegar to keep my clothes looking clean and not dingy. “I will refund money for any white item that you will not read a tag that says wash in hot water or bleach.” Which is her way of confidently stating you never will!
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All Natural necessities:
INGREDIENTS: aloe vera gel*OC, ALUMINUM FREE baking soda, calcium bentonite clay*OC, true cinnamon*OC, clove powder*OC, unrefined coconut oil*OC, essential oils ( clove bud*OC, lemon, peppermint ), manuka honey*K, 100% himalayin pink salt, peppermint powder*OC, 3% food grade peroxide, redmond clay*OC, ground sage*OC, SUN charged water. (4 oz container) {1 to 1-1/2 month shelf life} via
INGREDIENTS: ALUMINUM FREE baking soda, NON GMO fractionated coconut oil, essential oils, 100% himalayan pink salt, SUN charged water, witch hazel *OC, (1 oz container) {1 month shelf life} via
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